

C9 Svenskeren and Goldenglue to start in Sunday’s games

Izento 2018-08-12 04:29:07
Cloud 9's substitute mid laner has just tweeted out that he will be subbing in for the Sunday game of LCS Summer Split Week 8, along with jungler Dennis "Svenskeren" Johnsen to face against Team Liquid. This comes as a surprise, as C9 have been doing very well with their current jungler Robert "Blaber" Huang and mid laner Jensen. One can only guess that this might be due to a specific team comp C9 have in mind against the number one team in the league. Svenskeren was previously replaced as C9 had a rocky start to the split, along with Goldenglue being subbed in for Jensen, in what many fans had questioned, as Jensen has historically been a great mid laner for the team. Svenskeren has been known recently to be a supportive jungler in his time with TSM, having been a jungler which helped his mid laner succeed and carry the game. Goldenglue has a story which hasn't been so kind to him, as he's been in the LCS at a tumultuous rate, being subbed out for other mid laners on account of underperforming. This makes it all the more strange as to why Goldenglue is replacing Jensen once again. Reapered has made a comment publicly: The official rules state that roster announcements must be made by 8:30 PM Saturday for Sunday's games and 5 PM Friday for Saturday's games. This ruling is under Weekly Roster Rules, section 4.2

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