

Valorant Agents Tier List (August 2020)

Aashir Ahmed 2020-08-15 03:07:28
  Valorant launched globally a couple of months back, and 10 Valorant agents were added as playable characters. Ever since the launch, Valorant gained a strong reputation amongst players giving its similarity to the popular FPS Tactical Shooter CS:GO.  But it has managed to make an industry for itself in a short period. With such a large community, the formulation of the esports scene is inevitable. Famous esports organizations began signing their roster for Professional Valorant players to compete in upcoming tournaments, with the latest inclusion being that of Team Liquid. The mechanics of the game are always changing, with updates introducing new changes. The production team is constantly patching the maps and agents of the game to find the right mix between the teams. Additional Agents are expected to be applied to the list on a constant to maintain a fresh meta. The evidence supporting the statement is the addition of the 2 new agents: Reyna and the more recent Killjoy. Here we're going to determine which are the strongest Valorant Agents. It will be focused almost exclusively on competitive plays. Equal consideration will be given to each agent.  


The Agents will be ranked in the following Tiers: S Tier (Optimal) A Tier (Great) B Tier (Good) C Tier Satisfactory Here are the rankings:
  • S-tier agents: Cypher, Sage
  • A-tier agents: Brimstone, Omen, Phoenix, Raze, Sova, Killjoy
  • B-tier Agents: Breach, Jett
  • C-Tier Agents: Viper, Reyna
These rankings will be expanded on with reasons to their inclusion in their designated tiers. - - -  




Cypher has a vast arsenal of lethal intel devices, which are the main cause of him leading the team in a competitive game. He is a guaranteed pick in most tournament games. Each passing day, he becomes better. He is one of the agents in the game with more angles and positioning for his expertise each week.  Because of his spycam, tripwires, and Neural Theft, he is perfect for gathering intel. Cypher 's camera may be used to cover broad areas and it is especially useful to operate enemy plays. Cypher has earned additional popularity for getting the best ultimate in the game and always shuts down rounds. The main factor causing Cypher to be in Tier 1 is how fast his surveillance is, and how easily Valorant players are learning to use it with a different mix of style of play.  


Agent Sage Despite her recent nerfs, Sage is still extremely high in the tier list. While more Sage-less competitive teams have started to turn up as of late, we always suggest her for consistency's sake. She will heal herself or anyone throughout the game, essentially offering everybody a little longer time to be more effective.  Her ultimate skill also allows her to revive a friend. Sage has always been extremely effective in keeping the site on its own so teammates can move. Her wall is one of the strongest non-abilities in the game, being able to stifle the choices of the attackers while she's defending.  




On the borderline of A-tier and S-tier is Brimstone. Brimstone appears to be the cornerstone of leading teams. A good player of Brimstone is normally preferred in matches and operates with regards to fires, artillery strikes, and the unit for ultimate results. Many agents have smoke-related abilities, but Brimstone's is particularly useful because it can be launched from the sky. It implies that the opponents are not conscious of where Brimstone positions them and that you may maintain your place and wait before you move on them. Even without coordinated lineups, he allows teammates to gain the confidence to open on a bomb site by being quickly accessed through his smoke. His second ability, the Orbital Strike, also has many applications. Although it may be used to seek and destroy rivals, it is often really helpful to prevent plants and defuses.
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Omen has gone up considerably and is a defensive expert who reaches Sage's and Cypher 's level on defense. Omen has become a rising choice, often chosen in a main with more frequency in tournaments. Ascent inclusion has buffed the smokes from Omen, and he is now an effective part of the arsenal to ward off an attacker, and that his other high-quality fear in his package is a death trap on someone who gets struck by it.  


Most of the retired CS and CS: GO players opted for Phoenix as their go-to agent, often because of the familiar kit. Since he can securely activate and collect intel, Phoenix has one of the most helpful ultimates. This is because he can run in and hopefully eliminate an opponent or two before being teleported back with all his health restored. To offensive players with little threats, this makes it a fantastic skill. The principal drawback of Phoenix is its usage, which can often be challenging, partially due to his curveball ability.  The biggest drawback while using this ability is the risk that involves placing the trajectory of the curveball. You can often be left exposed while throwing it, making you an easy target for Snipers on the lookout. You might often end up blinding yourself and even if you manage to aim it accurately, the flash lasts for only over a second, rendering it useless for pressing a bigger team. He probably won't go any higher up the tier, but he can certainly be a solid contributing member of a strong team.  


Raze has reached A-tier because she becomes very useful with a grenade, a boom bot, and blast packs. Her abilities are quite easy to understand, and she is a must-choose on Split due to the narrow design of the map which supports her greatly. With Heaven, she is bound to have a lot of undisputed damage to the middle as well as the contained B- site. She can bring in is an incredible amount of destruction where a squad can be denied accessing a site or shutting off its enemies with her Booms and paint shells.  


Sova is a brilliant team assistant. Being one of the key player operators for the unit, he’s strong on Ascent and Bind, but on other maps, he's not as heavily prioritized. Sova 's play is an artful use of reconnaissance skills with the potential to inflict damage. He offers many useful capacities, like his drone, and arrows for scouting. Although it'll take time to learn your corners if you're going to use him, his arrows are extremely useful to gather intel. His success in professional play has improved significantly.  


At the beginning of Act II Killjoy entered the Valorant roster, introducing a fresh set of resources to gather intel and traps to set up. Her key utility is to gather information without risking herself, and the ability to use the turret to confuse opponents while planting the bomb has proved to be fatal. Her kit is special and amazingly strong. The data isn’t enough for our final take on her since she has recently been added and might take a few days of getting used to for a better judgment to be given.  




Breach has an overall dominant functionality but his smokes are a little too complicated. His abilities will also impact teammates and trigger complications if misused. There's a whole variety of issues that can arise as a consequence of Breach's ability without adequate planning. The lower ranking of agents isn’t caused by the weakness of their abilities, but rather the situations in which their abilities would be useful. The conditions for agents are breach are few. Each involvement ensures that he builds his ultimate more consistently, which is important to have an advantage over other agents. Breach offers the best Crowd Control in the game.


Agent Jett Before getting a buff for her smokes, Jett found herself at the edge of different tiers. So, Jett now is a go-to for the world's best players despite once being laughed at. She's a good choice, though not the best if you want to take over a game. Jett can be lethal in the right hands, but when players learn how to improve their distance and figure out their specific roles, her useful attributes are less effective. Other agents require less time and may offer you better reward for your time investment. She does have decent vision control and fits well in a team. Lastly, there is no other agent with the same angles and the safety of a fast escape as Jett.  




At first, Reyna was very shocking to the playerbase. Now that players have had the opportunity to pilot her and become accustomed to her feel, they've learned that she was a rather "selfish" agent with nothing to offer for actual team play. Her ability kit won't let you to get back into the game from a deficit. Her entire kit depends on getting kills, so if you don’t pick up early kills, her abilities are practically ineffective. In North America and Europe, at the outset, she saw a lot of play time; but as weeks go by, Phoenix and Jett have been surpassed in North America, while only a handful of European leading figures still consider her as their main.  


Agent Viper The key feature of Viper is to obstruct vision lines. In contrast to any other agent, her smoke orb and smoke line are placed and then activated.  This is useful to cover up allies at a point and confuse the enemy team, but it is not especially useful in general. Her kit seems to be one of the least enjoyable even among average players who are less skillfully inclined. For all her skills, Viper is sluggish and difficult. She rotates badly and, mid-round, deals poorly with dynamic changes. Split is still basically the only map where choosing her is plausible on attack. The majority of pro players who once endorsed her, even though she was a bottom-tier agent, have cast her aside entirely. Most players do not main her in high-level tournaments in North America. You're going to have to focus on different agents if you plan on shooting towards Radiant in the competitive mode Since the meta will change with most updates, make sure you check back to see where the agents of the game will be located in the tier ranking.
If you enjoyed this article, follow the author on Twitter at @AashirAhmed155. Photo: Riot Games

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