

LoL Solo Queue Prodigy Dopa Says: “It’s been 3 seasons since the introduction of fresh accounts. Those accounts get high normals MMR, which affects their ranked MMR”

Izento 2022-03-17 02:55:17
  Famous solo queue League of Legends player Dopa has come out criticizing how Riot handles their ranked system, translated by reddit user Yoonitrop12 saying " It’s been 3 seasons since the introduction of fresh accounts. Those accounts get high normals MMR, which affects their ranked MMR". This appears to be a MMR exploit. He further explains that rank is not a true reflection of skill anymore. "I mean, look at hide on bush. You think that Faker’s rank represents his skill"? To make matters worse, infamous jungler Tarzaned revealed in a video from 2021 that players can create their own "Pro Riot MMR account" by playing normals, often with high MMR friends, which will boost your own normals MMR, which transfers to your ranked MMR.   Popular LoL streamer IWDominate also commented on this phenomina in 2021   In 2021, Mark Yetter, former game design director for LoL tweeted out:   Although this tweet addresses problems with pro accounts specifically, there was no mention of accounts which have been boosted by inflated normals MMR ratings.
Izento has been a writer for the LoL scene since Season 7, and has been playing the game since Season 1. Follow him on Twitter at @ggIzento for more League content. Images from Riot Games For more LoL content, check out our LoL section

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