

Liquid`NuckleDu interview at Evo 2016

DreXxiN 2016-07-17 05:40:54

"I was struggling through my pools, but I was able to clutch it out."  Notably one of the strongest Street Fighter IV players, NuckleDu's motivation could use some help moving onto the most recent Street Fighter V.  Like others, NuckleDu had groggily woke up at dawn to attend the early 8AM pools. 

Prior to this, NuckleDu stated that he hadn't practiced very much, stating that training in SFV is akin to doing homework, a task he claims to have never enjoyed in high school. For now, NuckleDu has noticed his complacency in the competitive field, citing lack of appreciation for his circumstance possibly being the root cause.

 However, NuckleDu states his future aspirations in the event that being a professional player no longer be appeasing.


Interview by Adam Baugh



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