

New Changes for The War Within Mythic+

EsportsHeaven 2024-08-22 01:46:25
  Early access to the latest expansion of World of WarCraft, The War Within, begins tomorrow. While the start to the season is a long way away, Blizzard has just announced some changes on the horizon for the increasingly popular Mythic+ game mode. Many players, even extremely skilled ones, have been highly critical of the disproportionate difficulty of the Tyrannical affix, on top of the damage mobs are dealing.  To many, this will be a welcome change. The power of regular "trash mob" casts is exacerbated by changes to how interrupts and stops work now, whereas before they'd stop a casting cycle, it will simply halt them while requeueing said stopped spell now. Historically, the first season of Mythic+ for the last several expansions has been fairly harsh, so while many were expecting for Blizzard to double down on this difficulty spike, they seem to have since listened to Beta feedback and will have a more normalized environment for veterans and new players alike to step into. What are you most excited for in World of WarCraft: The War Within? The "Worldsoul Saga" officially drops next week. Stay tuned for more MMORPG coverage!

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