

Team Spotlight: Machi E-Sports, an interview with the players

poetanarchy 2016-04-13 07:27:55

Machi E-Sports (also known as M17) placed 4th in the League of Legends Masters Series Spring Season. This was M17’s second split in the LMS after qualifying during the 2015 LMS Summer Promotion tournament.  The team has been on an upward trajectory since then and is keeping their goals lofty. We had the opportunity to gather some insight into the team.


What originally got you into video games and League of Legends?


Dreamer (Chien-Hung Tseng ???- Support/Captain): I started playing LoL to play games with friends.

Apex (Chia-Wei Hseih ??? - Mid): I started playing LoL because me and a friend found the game together!

Taizan (Ching-Chia Lin ??? - Jungler): I was looking to play with friends.

Dee (Chun-Ti Chen ??? - AD Carry): Friends

Bobo (You-Lin Wang ??? - Top): Friends


What was your drive to start playing competitively?


Dreamer: I was ranked highly in solo queue and felt like I had the strength to become a pro player.

Apex: I was asked by a friend to join his team.

Taizan: Dreamer recruited me to try playing for M17!

Dee: I was high up on the ranked ladder and was even more motivated when I saw TPA win Worlds.

BoBo: XG Yo found me to become a pro player.


What has been your hardest challenge since entering the competitive scene?


Dreamer: The hardest challenge has been trying to get 1st place.

Apex: The communication problems within the team.

Taizan: Progressing and becoming better.

Dee: Spending all my time practicing. Your whole mentality needs to be focused on the game and improving.

BoBo: Being a good teammate.


What do you feel is the best thing that you bring to your team?


Dreamer: I am able to help calm the team in game when we are facing trouble and help keep the team in order.

Apex: When scrims turn out bad, I am able to keep a level head so the team can get back on track.

Taizan: I bring joy to the team.

Dee: I'm serious about winning every game.

BoBo: I will look at new patches and watch many pro grames and tell the team which champions  and strategies we should try.


Dreamer, as captain, how do you deal with the extra responsibility?


Dreamer: I just try to help the team when I can. I'm working on becoming a stronger leader and shot caller.


What was your highest high?


Dreamer: I feel I played the first round robin set we played against MSE very well!

Apex: The second set where I played Zed against HKE and we won with 17 kills to 0.

Taizan: My Gragas game in the 3rd game against MSE!

Dee: Our 4th game against HKE this split when I played Kalista and we won 17:0

BoBo: Season 6 I feel like I’ve done well so far and gotten MVP in our games.


What was your lowest low?


Dreamer: In the second set against TPA, game 2 I felt I could've done better.

Apex: Season 5 Summer where I played Twisted Fate against MSE was very disappointing.

Taizan: The first set we played against TPA…

Dee: The 3rd game we played against HKE when I played Jinx.

BoBo: Our first set we played against Flash Wolves this split.


What is your favorite/least favorite champion?


Dreamer: My favorite champion is Trundle. Nidalee is the most annoying.

Apex: Karthus is my favorite champion, and I hate Ryze.

Taizan: I love Rek'sai, and hate Nidalee

Dee: Jhin is my favorite champion, and I hate Alistar.

BoBo: Favorite Poppy, I hate Teemo.


What do you think of season 6 so far?


Dreamer: There is more talent in the LMS, and the game is much faster than Season 5. Also excited for the Taric change!

Apex: I think the Rift Herald adds more depth to the game.

Taizan: Rift Herald is new and interesting and the game tempo is nice now that it is faster.

Dee: The meta for ADCs has changed dramatically and it seems like they're starting to gradually nerf the role.

BoBo: In season 6 there are more champions that can  be used and many different strategies that can be played.


What changes in the game would you most like to see?


Dreamer: I'd like to see the metagame continue to expand. It'd be interesting if 2 junglers was viable, or a support and carry in mid.

Apex: I am happy with how things are now.

Taizan: I like the current state of the game.

Dee: I want more items for protecting the AD carry and more items for the AD carry to do damage.

BoBo: I want to see more carry tops back and i am excited for the Irelia buff!


What people have influenced and helped you the most in becoming a better player?


Dreamer: Our coaches Sucan, Jordan, and Ender.

Apex: Our headcoach, Sucan.

Taizan: My Teammates.

Dee: Our coaches Sucan, Jordan, and Ender as well as all my teammates.

BoBo: Family


Did you ever have conflicts with your teammates? How did you resolve them?


Dreamer: We've faced issues when scrims turn out bad which ruins the team atmosphere, but we are a very close team and address our problems as soon as they appear.

Apex: Sometimes when someone makes a dumb mistake it causes some disagreement, but we move on quickly.

Taizan: We've had blame been tossed around for mistakes before, but we all use that to improve.

Dee: There is very rarely any team conflict.

BoBo: Small disputes have come up but they get resolved quickly.


What do you think of yourself as a player?


Dreamer: As a pro player, I am defined by my responsibility to maintain a high level of play.

Apex: I'd describe myself as a player always looking to become stronger.

Taizan: As a player, I feel a strong sense of responsibility to improve my skills.

Dee: Being a player means giving up all of your time to practicing.

BoBo: As a player I have no regrets.


What are your hopes for the future?


Dreamer: I want to win the LMS Championship and go to Worlds and bring the title home to Taiwan.

Apex: I want to play internationally and represent Taiwan against the best competition.

Taizan: To become a world champion.

Dee: To be World Champions.

BoBo: That we can win the LMS championship and go to the World Championship!


Any messages you would like to give to your international fans?


Dreamer: I hope you can support M17, and support my teammates Bobo, Taizan, Apex, and Dee as well as our support staff Sucan, Jordan, and Ender.

Apex: Please support us! Thank you

Taizan: Thank you for helping us with your support, and please continue to cheer and support!

Dee: Thank you for your support! Please support and cheer for M17.

BoBo: I love you fans!

Connect with the author on Twitter @poetsanarchy.

Image courtesy of Machi E-Sports / Esportspedia


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