

Three patterns to accelerate your game in esports

DreXxiN 2022-08-25 01:32:33
  Nothing gets done without putting in the time and effort. This is especially true in esports, where professional gamers spend late nights honing their skills, often practicing 3x as much as a traditional sports athlete. There are three patterns in esports I recommend most highly. That said, there are certainly ways to optimize what you do during the day, oftentimes not even strictly with physical actions, but with mentality and organization. This will never supersede putting in the actual work, but is certainly a wonderful companion. So without further adieu, let’s dive into some powerful mantras by esports coaches or otherwise.  #1 - Gratitude / accountability checklist   This is a strategy that originated inside the South American League of Legends professional circle, and it’s something I recommend to this day. The way this is crafted is the following. Upon waking, write out the following:   I am grateful for: - - -   Today will be awesome if: - - -   I am the kind of person who: - - -   Yesterday was awesome because: - - -   The most fruitful part of this process is it allows you to review and honestly assess the current day and the prior day, properly evaluating what is truly important to you for your progress and fulfillment. I still do it daily, and pass it on to those I coach as well.  This will wake you up to the meaningful things that fulfill you rather than the frivolous time-wasters you might overindulge in. You’ll have structure to your practices and self-imposed direction for your day. Give it a shot.   #2 - Change your approach, NEVER your hunger This is from Kobe’s book titled “Mamba Mentality”.  The entire book is full of wisdom, but this is one of my favorite personal nuggets. We also went over this in posture, health, and the mind-body connection.  It explains how as you’re more youthful, you have the vigor and energy to not sweat the details and blast out some practice, but as you get older, you’re more prone to injury, have more responsibilities to balance, and so on. The idea is that in your teens to your late twenties, you want to blast out as much as you can, taking the highest risk tolerance and pushing yourself to your absolute limits. This isn’t to say completely disregard being responsible, but you can bounce back faster than you otherwise could as an older individual. The time compounds more and adds value as you get older, whereas you don’t have that luxury as an already older person. If you’re feeling ambitious, feel free to extend this to your 40’s, as the great samurai Musashi would, stating it as the age to which you should give everything your 100%. In your 30s and up, it’s about maintenance. “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” isn’t entirely correct, but it’s not without merit.  You still want to be able to be a workhorse, but it’s more about keeping your joints healthy, a perfect diet, good sleep, healthy mental states, and so on.   #3 - Breaking the OK Plateau Think of your skill in video games like an RPG, where as you level, you need significantly more experience points to reach the next level with each level you grow. Josh Foer is a scientific author and journalist who coined the term “OK Plateau”.  In it, he explains how our skillsets develop from the cognitive phase into a more autopilot-y phase. The general gist of it is that to break plateaus, you need to stop autopiloting and revisit the cognitive phase, correctly unwiring any previously developed bad habits and building a proper foundation of which to grow more technical skills. As you achieve these milestones, your autopilot, “default” state of play becomes reinforced by those positive habits, and you can build on top of them by revisiting the cognitive phase, pushing yourself little by little out of your comfort zone in order to make sure your brain develops the capacity to instill these habits quickly. The above video is an excellent breakdown of it. --- That’s all for today. I hope you’ve learned something. If you have other favorite methods to elevate yourself and others to the next level, please share them with me on Twitter. I’d love to hear it. Until next time.

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