

Worlds 2015 Team profile – Invictus Gaming

HeckMaister 2015-09-28 08:51:54

It's been a pretty rocky year for this line up, especially considering the mass of talent on the roster. During the offseason, iG was able to acquire the services of 3 very very contested and talented players in Rookie, KaKAO and Save. Unfortunately for this team, the rulings did not allow for all 3 koreans to play at the same time but they were all allowed to be part of the roster. With Rookie and KaKAO being the powerful duo they were, iG chose to move their former midlaner Zz1tai into the top lane and have Save be the substitute. Top - Liu "Zz1tai" Zhi-hao

The acquisition of Rookie from the KT arrows had initially made the mid lane become a position with multiple options. With Rookie being the better 1v1 duelist and Zz1tai being a very good roaming player, IG had options on what play style they would like to take game to game. However, the unity between Rookie and KaKAO is almost far too good to let up. The language barrier between Zz1tai and KaKAO didnt allow them to mesh as well as they wanted to, and since each team is only allowed to field 2 non residential players, ig thought of moving Zz1tai to the top lane. At first it seemed fine when the meta revolved around top lane mages such as Lulu and Lissandra, soon Zz1tai's champion pool started to see a lot of issues with tanky top laners being the premiere choice of champions. Over the course.of the summer, Zz1tai would eventually develop his concept of splitpushing woth champions like Irelia in which hes found.moderate success. With the meta shifting to give more importance and power to split pushing duelists, we might see a side of Zz1tai we have not seen in months Jungle - Lee "KaKAO" Byung-kwon

It's almost surprising that this is the first year we're going to see KaKAO at worlds. Being on the second team in KR as part of the KT Bullets that delivered to us the epic showdown in the finals against SKT, it was a huge surprise to many that KTB were unable to attend worlds that year. The next year winning OGN Summer with the KT Arrows was also not enough to give this contender for best jungler a shot at the world championship. Surprisingly enough, KaKAO has managed to make worlds on a roster that doesn't evem speak the same language. While his synergy with Rookie is as strong as it's ever been, you can clearly see the mismatch in communication when it comes to controlling and playing around objectives. Still, even if his team is somewhat mediocre, KaKAO has no issues putting on the carry pants himself and attempt to take over games with his ruthless aggression. Mid - Song "Rookie" Eui-jin

Upon winning OGN summer 2014 with the KT Arrows both Kakao and rookie found themselves at a crossroads in their careers. Fearing that their jobs may not be secure after a pretty appalling performance during the 2014 gauntlet qualifier for worlds, KaKAO and Rookie were offered a spot in China's Invictis Gaming roster. This year has definitely been an example of Rookie's inconsistencies as a player. At times hes capable of doing the impossible, creating plays on his own from absolutely nowhere shocking even his own teammates with his insane timing and movements... But then at other times he looks just, lost. We've seen Rookie just be a complete non factor in games that required him to go big... More times than we'd like to admit. Sometimes looking like the second coming of Faker and others looking like the worst version of former CLG mid laner Link,  Rookie stands as an enigma to the most of us. Until worlds start, we're not certain whether we'll have the passive ignorable mid laner, or the unpredictable godslayer. Ad Carry - Ge "Kid" Yan

If this were 2014 the story would be a lot different when talking about Kid. Unfortunately for this young chinese ad carry, 2015 has not been kind to him. His performances during the regular season in both spring and summer have been mediocre at best,  never truly cementing himself as a top tier ad carry. He's not really bad by any means, in fact considering the scope of talent he has to go up against makes it that much harder for Kid. His synergy with kitties is good but as a unit theres nothing they do better than the duo lanes of China or Korea. Its up to kid to find in him the teamfighting prowess that made him such a dangerous ad carry last year. Support - Liu "Kitties" Hong-jun

Pretty standard when it comes to support players, kitties is pretty much what you've come to expect out of mediocre supports. His main issues lay in his champion pool and how being the front liner of his team is not something he does optimally. A lot of kitties Success has rested on Janna and Nami, very disengage oriented supports. While its true that his play style is not the best when it comes to initiate fights and get up in the face of enemy carries, hes perfectly capable of taking the peeling and protecting for his teams carries alone. In addition to being pretty good at peeling, Kitties has been playing around vision very well. His timings have been spot on around objectives which allows KaKAO to think ahead several minutes before making a move.


Player to look out for: Rookie


A lot of this team’s success relies on the best version of Rookie. His ability to outplay opponents is insane but doesn’t appear as often as the team would like. While KaKAO is perfectly capable of taking over games from the jungle position, the damage has to come from one of the carry roles. With Zztai’s champion pool this year not being stellar, Rookie has to do most of the heavy lifting for Invictus gaming.



Their final performances in the gauntlet were actually surprisingly good. The bottom lane could hold their own and Zztai was feeling more in his element when allowed to split push. Invictus gaming can be stronger than any of us are picturing right now, especially since the patch is falling into their favor. Rookie and KaKAO have always been fast at adapting to metas and now is their chance to shine on the worlds stage for the first time.

  -- Images courtesy of thescoreesports.com, games.qq.com, tga.plu.cn and lolesports.

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