

Fnatic defeat Origen 3-2 to win the European LCS Summer Split

DreXxiN 2015-08-23 08:18:00

Facing a realistic chance of defeat, Fnatic repeat history and win the European LCS Summer Split.

It took until the grand finals for Fnatic to finally drop a game this split.  Origen opened up the series with an explosive win, outdrafting and outplaying Fnatic early.  The team lead by ex-Fnatic members were able to dismantle their prior overaggression problems and abuse Fnatics lack of ability to engage.  With sOAZ able to split push freely and play a carry-oriented top laner, he has shown his peak on the archetype that made him popular.

Fnatic were unable to fight back as they fell too far behind and Origen was loaded with poke potential.  The team played well as a whole, but sOAZ was the crucial highlight with his epic Gangplank performance, bringing Fnatic to their knees.

The next game of the set, Fnatic wisened up and took away sOAZ opportunity to pick Gangplank by grabbing it for Huni on purple side in the first rotation while Fnatic prioritized Sivir after a triple ADC ban.  In the epic pirate versus viking showdown, sOAZ Olaf would not find success in this game despite the Scandinavian home-field advantage.  With sloppy plays all around granting sOAZ first blood and poor dives from both sides, Yellowstar showed his hunger to win, striking back and evening out the set.

Fnatic opened up the drafts in game 3 strong with loads of flex picks with Fizz and Shen.  Huni opted for a hybrid Fizz while Shen was sent bottom to Alistar, helping lane against the powerhouse of Mithy and Niels.  The momentum of the game favored neither team early on, but Fnatic were quick to snowball ahead.  The game concluded with Rekkles hyperscaling Tristana earning a Pentakill, leaving Origen with little room to comeback.

Origen werent ready to give up yet on game point.  The teams stayed even in objectives, even though Fnatic were very far ahead in gold. This was in spite of the fact that Origen poured a lot of resources into shutting down Huni.  Origen were able to find kinks in Fnatics armor, picking players off to extend the series and build up a dragon lead. 50 minutes in, Fnatic were lacking an ability to kill Niels Tristana, who didnt have to itemize armor pen and thus did insane amounts of damage.  Origen acquired both baron and the 5th dragon buff, and were able to take the set to a game 5.

Game 5, like the previous game, was neck and neck, but Origen had the superior scaling.  Things looked scary for Fnatic as sOAZ teleported and acquired a triple kill on his Gangplank early on.  Fnatics decision making only improved as the game went on, and Rekkles pulled out an MVP performance by winning the split push battle, killing off two defenders from Origen to secure the first inhibitor of the game. Origen was only able to fend them off for so long before Fnatic. lead by Rekkles ballsy plays, ended the set.


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