

iG plays spoiler to Cloud 9 while ahq and Fnatic Come Roaring Back Worlds Day 8 Roundup

This is one of the few groups heading into the second week of the group stage where every team had a decent chance at actually making it out of group stages to compete in London. iG with the bleakest outlook to C9 with the easiest path to London, both would find their hopes in danger …

LGD"e;s last stand secures first place for KT rolster, OG staggering slightly. Worlds round up day 7

Today wasn’t about who would get out of group D, but which team would get out as first seed. The chances of both LGD and TSM still making it out of the group were so small that nobody is surprised who got out of the group today. Most games were enjoyable to watch and it …

In Memoriam: Counter Logic Gaming

They say that all good things must come to an end. I’m not entirely sure who “they” are, but this saying rings painfully true for Counter Logic Gaming. Their recent failure to make it out of groups has left many confused – this was supposed to be CLG’s golden age, was it not? While their …

EDG Almost Slips, no other real surprises here – Worlds Day 6 Roundup

As if a day of group stages could have been more cut and dry today, there is nothing new under the sun here. SKT dominates everyone, China looks shaky but comes out ahead, Loulex gets caught, and the wildcard team loses. Luckily for every spectator involved, tomorrow’s games look much better in terms of quality …

King Wolves, Crushed Dreams and the Rise of Brazil: Worlds Day 5 Roundup

For those uninformed, all the games this week will be focused on one group per day. If you thought Riot killed superweeks only to go back on their word to bring them back… well you’d still be wrong because these are technically “superdays” with teams playing back to back games in consecutive best of one’s, …

Why Fnatic Are Failing In This Tournament and How They Can Learn From KOO vs. CLG

Disclaimer: I decided to write this article after a heated conversation with my friend Veteran. I realised that while I had a different interpretation of Fnatic's failings, I was unable to properly articulate the reasoning. I suppose you could say this article is dedicated to him.   Fnatic, for me, are an interesting team, both …

China"e;s Fall, Origen"e;s rise to dominance, and the second coming of Kabum! – Worlds Day 4 Roundup

If you’re betting on Worlds games then today is just as unpredictable as yesterday, if not more. It does not help that most teams still don’t have a handle on how pick or bans should be working on this patch — so for the coming week, pray that they are more polished. On the other …

More Balls dropped than Dunkmaster Darius"e;s Death Animation – Worlds Day 3 Roundup

Day 3 was almost unreal in how many teams failed to live up to expectations, so it seems fitting to compare them to Darius' loss rate across the past three days. Fans everywhere will look at today with squinted eyes and feelings of disbelief.   SKT vs EDG     In the long awaited rematch …

Teams still not fully adjusted to 5.18 – Worlds Day 2 round up

Day 2 was expected to be the calm day, the day when all the favourites win their games and upsets are unlikely to happen. But this Worlds isn’t normal, upsets can always happen in a BO1 and teams are still not fully adjusted to patch 5.18. Group D gets their first games and they didn’t …

The Rise of the West – 2015 Worlds Day 1 Roundup

The Rise of the West – Worlds Day 1 Round up The 2015 World Championship is here! The first day proved to be highly entertaining and even boasted a few surprises, as the results of some matches catching the greater League of Legends community off-guard. Prior to the first game, the analysts were at somewhat …


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