

DIG Dardoch talks about his time on TSM: “I was being pushed to a style I didn’t agree with”

  Dardoch has been announced he has joined Dignitas. The roster situation on DIG is tenuously undecided, choosing to go with a 10-man roster style, decided week to week on who they will use. Esports Heaven spoke with Dardoch about his move from TSM, joining DIG, tempering his communication in interviews, and his thoughts on …

2020 Summer Split State of the League Address feat. LCS Commissioner Chris Greeley

  LCS Commissioner Chris Greeley talks about the current state of the league and the plans LCS has for the future.  ___ Izento has been a writer for the LoL scene since Season 7, and has been playing the game since Season 1. Follow him on Twitter at @ggIzento for more League content. Image …

EG Svenskeren on addressing players controlling draft phase: “A lot of players have this mentality where they just disrespect the opponent and think they can play anything into them…”

  Evil Geniuses have claimed victory against Golden Guardians while also falling victim to 100 Thieves during Week 6. Their game against GG in particular saw a fervent Rumble pick in the bot lane and a signature Lee Sin pick from Svenskeren. Esports Heaven spoke with Svenskeren about his game against GG, the Rumble pick, …

CLG Wiggily: “[Pobelter is a solid rock] that is always [saying], ‘ok, this is what I want; this is what I want to do’. I think that’s really important in a mid laner…I think he’s really filled that hole.”

  Counter Logic Gaming have secured a win against an unlikely opponent in TSM during Week 6. Although the early game wasn’t going according to plan, CLG were able to press on into the mid and late game, meanwhile TSM chose a risky draft with Maokai mid and Kayle top. Esports Heaven spoke with CLG’s …

100T Cody Sun: “I think Runes Reforged added kind of a power creep or just extra damage for pretty much everyone. For example, you have ADCs complaining about getting one-shot by Nautilus or Leona”

  Week 5 was a great week for 100 Thieves. Although they went 1-1, losing out against TSM in a close fight promises hope for 100T in the future, and then beating Golden Guardians convincingly, with Ssumday from the top lane putting on a great carry performance on Lucian. Esports Heaven spoke with 100T’s ADC …

FLY PowerOfEvil: “I think people underestimated me in CLG. They were like a 7th place team, and when I joined, we went to 3rd place”

  FlyQuest come out of Week 5 winning both their game against Golden Guardians and Counter Logic Gaming. Their game against CLG in particular was a show of dominance, especially from FLY’s mid laner PowerOfEvil. Esports Heaven got to speak with the victorious PowerOfEvil about his game against CLG, his current form, and the theory …

DIG Grig on wrist issues: “Partly why I played a lot of solo queue in the offseason, like A LOT of solo queue, got high ranked to be like, ‘look, I’m playing this many games a day, [my wrists] are fine'”

  Dignitas came out of the gates swinging in Week 2 as they defeated Team Liquid, but then fell short against FlyQuest. Dignitas looked very strong in their early game against TL and although not the cleanest game, they pulled out the win. Esports Heaven spoke with DIG Grig about their game against TL, vertical …

GG Hauntzer: “I dont think Riot really wants Soraka to be a top laner […] but for now it is what it is. You gotta make use of it.”

  Golden Guardians went 1-1 for Week 2 of the LCS. Playing a uncomfortably close game against Evil Geniuses to eek out a win, and then almost as if foreshadowing, playing Soraka top against Immortals, only to fall short to round out the week. Esports Heaven spoke with GG’s top laner Hauntzer to to talk …

FLY Curry: “We use [WildTurtle] as bait a lot. He likes being bait actually” *laughs*

  FlyQuest have shocked North America as they have gone 2-0 while starkly being ranked in the lower end of several power rankings. FLY game against Counter Logic Gaming proved to be quite impressive as they completely shut out CLG in a 19-6 kill score and securing all drakes. Esports Heaven spoke with FLY coach …


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